Saturday, February 13, 2010


Success!!  I gave it another try, this time rinsed in COLD water first and used "fresh" dyes.  I'm pleased with the results and will definately give this another try with other colors while we still have snow.  I think I'll use some of this fabric in a challenge piece I will be completing for March, we'll see.

You never know what you are going to get from this process, that's part of the fun!  The fabric looks much more beautiful in person, but this is the best I can do with photos.  It's fun, give it a try!!

The tutorials on line are inspiring and led me to try this.  Thanks to everyone, especially Beth, who took time out of her busy day to answer some of my questions.  Also many thanks to Wil who gave me some helpful ideas with freeze dyeing.  Much appreciated!


  1. your results are so pretty
    and so full of texture.
    can't wait to see what you do with them.
    well done

  2. Very Cool!
    Maybe like snowy mountains...or frothy waves.
    Don't you love the way the patterns really come out when you iron the fabric?
